About Us
Noir Café Press is an independent hybrid press dedicated to publishing high-quality books with clean content that entertains, educates or inspires the reader. We help independent authors bring their work to market and partner with them to realize each book’s potential. We specialize in crime fiction but will consider most genres of fiction and non-fiction. The company was founded by independent author Allan L Mann. Books are published in English worldwide, in ebook, print and, coming soon, audiobook formats.
As a company, we want to leave our mark by helping others. We want to help and encourage independent authors, and we want to help people and causes we care about.
How we do this is very different. We are very selective and only work with authors and their stories that we think truly fit our family. We promote “clean” content – even in crime fiction. As a hybrid publisher, we partner with our authors, meaning authors still pay for editing, cover design, etc., but we take on the work of coordinating the various stages through which a book must pass to be ready for its readers. We’ve coined a term for what we do – Author Management. We provide royalties that are higher than traditional publishers, so you can recoup your expenses much faster. We even pay you a small advance! For more information on exactly how we partner with you, click here.
We are transparent in everything we do and treat you as we would like to be treated. You’re family, after all.
We are proud members of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) and have pledged our support of IBPA’s Industry Standards Checklist for a Professionally Published Book,
We welcome your inquiry. Our submission guidelines can be found here.
We welcome inquiries around rights licensing, particularly for translation/foreign rights, film, TV, gaming and other media.